101 News – Page 11 – EDY SUSANTO
C|EH & Penetration Testing My Share Security Article


Snort adalah suatu aplikasi untuk mendekteksi intrusion yang banyak digunakan oleh NIDS ( Network Intrusion Detection System ) di dunia., system ini akan berusaha mendeteksi aktifitas yang mencurigakan dengan cara melakukan analisis secara real time terhadap lalu lintas jaringan dan paket paket yang bersliweran. Untuk versi yang sekarang ini sudah mencapai versi ( per

Security Article

How Packet Sniffer Work ?

Packet Sniffing dikenal pula sebagai protocol analyzer yang sebenarnya merupakan tools yang umum digunakan oleh Network Engineer untuk melakukan diagnose terkait dengan berbagai masalah didalam network mereka. Akan tetapi software sniffing bisa pula digunakan oleh hacker untuk memata matai lalu lintas jaringan dan mengumpulkan password. Packet sniffer bekerja dengan cara melakukan intercept dan log lalulitas

Security Article

The Onion explains how its Twitter account was hacked

IDG News Service – Hackers who commandeered The Onion’s Twitter account used simple but effective phishing attacks to obtain passwords, according to a writeup by the publisher’s technology team. The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a group supporting embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has also compromised prominent Twitter accounts, including those of the Associated Press, The Guardian,

Security Article

Windows Server 2012

Cloud computing in general, and private clouds in particular, have emerged as a response to the high cost and lack of agility of traditional approaches to IT. The  needs of IT users and the rate of technological change have increased signifi cantly. At the same time, the need to improve IT effi ciency and reduce

Security Article

Updating Hash Security: NIST and SHA-3

The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is holding a competition aimed at finding the best possible replacement for the cureent SHAs (Secure Hash Algorithms) — SHA-1 and SHA-2. Cryptographers are submitting new mathematical algorithms in order to develop a more secure and robust substitute that will strengthen the hash functions that are used

My Share Security Article

Anonymous claims to expose bank executive details

Hacktivist group Anonymous said it has posted the sensitive details of 4,000 bank executives on a government website. On Sunday night, an Anonymous Twitter account called “OpLastResort”tweeted about the leaked information, which was posted on the website of the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center (ACJIC), a clearinghouse of criminal records and statistics for the state. The ACJIC page